Event Marketing Essentials for Professional Event Designers
Learn the best strategies to effectively market your course. Including email/content/social marketing and paid ads.
10 PDFs
Get downloadable documents with invaluable marketing strategies for events. -
Video Instruction
Video demonstrations for social media marketing & group coaching recordings. -
Learn on your own time at your ideal times! -
Digital Certification
Get your certificate of completion for finishing this module.

Read. Watch. Learn. Improve.
The skills you need to become a real professional. Turn your passion into a career and THRIVE.
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In this module, you will...
Learn Sales Strategies to Book More Clients
Gain an Understanding of Professional Branding
Practice Social Media Marketing
Event Marketing Essentials for Professional Event Designers
Start building and boosting your design business by implementing these marketing and branding tactics online with this vital learning module of AED® | Accredited Event Designer.
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Lucy Molina
Lucy Molina started working in the event industry at a young age, through various opportunities and by working alongside elite designers.
She has over 10 years experience designing and planning various types of events, including: corporate and social events, weddings, fashion shows, galas, and award shows of various magnitudes.
As the Director of Education at the Institute of Wedding & Event Design, Lucy has dedicated her expertise and time to educating, coaching, and guiding the next generations of designers to find success in this multi-billion dollar industry!
Patrick Jones - Course author
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#1 Event Design School
The Institute of Wedding & Event Design is the top event design school across the nation.
With a track record of thousands of successful graduates living their dreams and a roster of exceptionally experienced and talented instructors, this is your online learning destination for breaking into the wedding & event design industry.