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Wedding Decor: Top Mistakes to Avoid

May 6 / The IWED Blog

Everything You Need to Know 

Planning a wedding can be a truly challenging endeavor, with considerations ranging from the guest list to dress selection and venue choices. However, among these crucial aspects, wedding décor holds a paramount role in shaping the overall experience for guests. To ensure the success of your big day, we’re sharing insights into 10 common wedding décor mistakes to avoid while designing your day.

Ignoring Venue Compatibility

When orchestrating our wedding décor, it’s imperative to harmonize with the venue’s architecture and existing décor. Neglecting this compatibility may result in a clash of styles or colors, creating a visually jarring atmosphere. Take the time to analyze your venue thoroughly and strategize how to integrate your design seamlessly.

Underestimating Essential Décor Elements

Three pivotal elements demand meticulous attention in wedding décor:

  • Lighting: A crucial factor in setting the mood, offering opportunities for creativity, such as paper lanterns or fairy lights.

  • Florals: From centerpieces to bouquets, flowers play a vital role in tying the décor together.

  • Furniture: Choose pieces that complement your event’s aesthetic and provide comfort for your guests.
Ensure these elements are thoughtfully incorporated to achieve a cohesive and visually pleasing ambiance.

Pro Tip: Explore IWED’s Professional Event Florist Course for comprehensive guidance on creating your floral pieces.

Foregoing The 'Test Run'

One of the gravest mistakes is failing to conduct a test run of your décor. Particularly crucial for items like furniture and lighting, a pre-event setup allows you to address any surprises, ensuring everything aligns seamlessly on the actual day.

Cake Conundrums

The wedding cake, a focal point, requires seamless coordination between your baker and florist to align with the overall décor. A tasting session is essential to ensure the cake not only looks exquisite but also delights the palate.

Striking a Balance with DIY

While DIY wedding décor adds a personal touch, excessive DIY efforts can result in a cluttered appearance. Focus on essential elements like invitations and favors, leaving intricate tasks to the professionals for a polished outcome.

Prioritize Guest Comfort

Consider your guests’ comfort when planning décor, ensuring ample seating and a thoughtfully arranged flow. Strive for a balance between style and quantity of chairs and maintain comfortable distances between tables to facilitate mingling.

Avoiding Excessive Uniformity

While cohesion is key, excessively matching colors and patterns can render the space dull. Introduce variety in colors, textures, and patterns to create a visually stimulating atmosphere.

Tend to Small Details

Amidst the overwhelming task of planning décor, don’t overlook small yet significant details. Ensure complete table settings, consider strategic flower placements, and incorporate informative signage for an organized event.

Sufficient Décor Rentals

When renting décor pieces, err on the side of caution and ensure you have enough. Inadequate decorations may leave the space feeling empty, compromising the overall wedding experience.

Establish and Event Concept

Before delving into decorations, formulate an event concept that guides the overall atmosphere and design. Answer key questions regarding desired atmosphere, color schemes, and décor pieces to ensure a cohesive and beautiful wedding space.

Authenticity Matters

Remember, this is your unique wedding day. Stay true to yourselves, incorporating personal touches and decorations that reflect your style. Don’t succumb to trends or external opinions; focus on creating a space that resonates with you and delights your guests.

Finally, as you embark on this exciting journey, keep in mind that your wedding décor plays a pivotal role in shaping the memorable experience that awaits you and your guests. Best of luck and congratulations!

If you'd like to break into the world of event decor and start on a journey to becoming a professional event designer, you've come to the right place! IWED offers various classes to get you all the training you need. Start doing what you love and loving what you do with the help of IWED.