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🚨 New Podcast Episode 📣 Essential Tips for The Emotional Rollercoaster of The Event Design Industry

Jul 23 / The IWED Blog

How to Stop Letting Fear Hold You Back and Leverage Your Enthusiasm & Willingness to Learn: Your Novice or Amateur Status Can Be Used as an Advantage!

Listen in to the new IWED Uncut podcast episode as your host, Lucy Molina, Design Expert & Director of Education at the Institute of Wedding & Event Design discusses the rollercoaster that entering the event design can be in terms of mishaps and emotions. 

As you learn and get more experienced, navigating this often hectic terrain will get easier. But being new at something can at times be used to your advantage. 

Lucy goes over cost/benefit analysis in terms of taking risks and knowing that learning from your mistakes will serve to further build your confidence. Starting out in the industry allows you to bring a fresh and new perspective, with innovative ideas to the table. Remember that building relationships is important when you’re starting out and always in this industry, in terms of knowing vendors, having connections, support and mentors and possibly creating new opportunities for yourself. 

You Won’t Wanna Miss… Lucy’s Biggest Tips from Episode 7: 

Embracing challenges as opportunities for growth.

Use your newness to ask questions and challenge the status quo. 
Remember that every expert was once a beginner JUST LIKE YOU!

Interested in getting on the IWED Uncut Podcast?