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Behind the Scenes: A Day in the Life of an Event Designer

May 6 / The IWED Blog

Imagine stepping into a world where creativity meets chaos, where every detail counts, and the canvas is as wide as your imagination. Welcome to a day in the life of an event designer, a role that blends artistry with acute organization, and often, a touch of magic.

Morning Rush

The day starts early. Coffee in one hand and phone in the other, the event designer reviews the day’s schedule. Mornings are for touching base with clients, vendors, and the team. This is when the foundation is laid for the day’s activities, adjustments are made, and any last-minute fires are put out.

Vendor Visits and Venue Checks

Mid-morning might include a site visit to a venue to visualize spaces, check on setups, or meet with the venue managers to iron out logistics. It's not just about seeing the space but feeling it, understanding the flow, the light, and how these elements can be enhanced.

Creative Sessions

Back at the office, the afternoon often dives into design. This is where the magic happens—sketching layouts, selecting fabrics, testing lighting, and collaborating with graphic designers on custom elements. It’s a kaleidoscope of color swatches, floor plans, and floral arrangements.

Client Meetings and Revisions

Late afternoons are reserved for client meetings. Here, concepts are presented and revised. It’s a dance of diplomacy and vision, ensuring the client’s desires are artistically woven into the event’s fabric.

Evening Wrap-Up

As the day winds down, the designer reviews the progress made. Emails are answered, orders are placed, and the next day's priorities are set. But the mind never fully turns off, always ticking through details, imagining the guests’ reactions, the smiles, the awe.

Personal Stories

Every event designer has their war stories—like the time an unexpected storm required a last-minute change from an outdoor garden party to an indoor gala. Or the wedding where the custom-designed aisle runner was delivered in the wrong color, and creativity (and a local artist) saved the day.

Event designing isn't just a job; it’s a passion. It's about creating experiences that capture hearts and evoke emotions. It’s about transforming spaces into stories, and it’s about the satisfaction of seeing it all come to life.

If you're serious about pursuing a career in event design and maybe even one day starting your very own business, then it's time to take action! Here at IWED, we have all the hands-on courses you need to get started and conquer the world of weddings & events. We want to train and transform you into the #1 Event Designer in your area. Check out our 2024 Program Guide for a course that peaks your interests and suits your needs.

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